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Projects We Partner

We are huge advocates of working in partnership. Wherever possible, we seek to identify new partners, individuals and organisations, with the aim of bringing together like minds and resources to achieve greater impact and outcomes than are possible working alone. We have worked  with, or are currently partnering: Bath & North East Somerset Council, Architecture IS and The Bath Alliance for Transport & the Public Realm.

​Through the Bath Future Talent Programme, we work with many local organisations including: Bath City Farm, Bath Preservation Trust

Bath City Football Club, Dorothy House, Julian House, Mentoring Plus and B&NES Carers' Centre

About Bath Bridge

We are a community interest company focused on supporting Bath to continually declare and maintain its aspirational identity, and fulfil its potential as a beautifully inventive city.

We do this by:

  • connecting people and organisations across the city

  • convening meetings and facilitating conversations with like-minded people

  • encouraging and promoting new and creative initiatives

  • accelerating the city's potential by investing in, and developing, its future leaders

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Contact us

The Bath Bridge CIC is a private community interest company, limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company number 08881959

© 2023 Bath Bridge CIC

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