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Cultural and Creative Strategy


Leading the development of a Cultural and Creative Strategy for the city of Bath


Having recognised both the importance and the positive impact on both the economy and society by the arts, culture, and creative industries, we worked in partnership with a wide range of key stakeholders across the city to develop a new strategy. Our partners included, B&NES, Bath Spa University, University of Bath, Cultural Forum, The Guild  and Creative Bath.


This strategy provides a framework for action which encourages a coherent, collaborative approach across the sector, Council and funding bodies to ensure cultural and creative excellence for all, and economic sustainability and growth.


This year, 2021, has seen a new project led by us bringing together new and existing partners, Bath Spa University, University of Bath, The House, The Holburne, Bath Festivals, House of Imagination and Bath Artist Studios, to refresh the Cultural and Creative Strategy  with the aim of reinvigorating the creative and cultural sector working proactively to improve participation of children, youth and young adults.


This new project is far-reaching with input and ideas being contributed by The Egg, University of Bath, The House, B&NES Christmas Market, St. Johns Bath, Bath Carnival, Theatre Royal, BANES One Shared Vision and Film Bath.


  • the delivery of a refreshed Cultural and Creative Strategy for BaNES providing a sustainable and achievable framework for action


Proposed next steps

  • Review and refresh the strategy working in partnership with key stakeholders across the cultural and creative sector, in order to:

    • Contribute to a collective sense of purpose

    • Consolidate an ongoing collaborative forum

    • Deliver a platform with meaningful practical support 


“Creative skills and a creative
workforce are important to
innovation and growing a
knowledge-based economy”

Department of Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)


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